Women in the Fortune 500: 64 CEOs in half a century

Julia Carpenter, CNN Money, August 7, 2017 Just this June, Fortune Magazine announced a new milestone in its list of Fortune 500 female CEOs. The number of women CEOs listed had reached an all–time high: 32 in a single year. The percentage was...

The Neuroscience of Strategic Leadership

Jeffrey Schwartz, Josie Thomson, and Art Kleiner, Strategy+Business, Summer 2017 Neuroscientists and psychologists are beginning to learn what happens at moments of choice inside the human mind and the brain. If you understand these dynamics and how they affect you...

How AI Is Already Changing Business

Sarah Green Carmichael, Harvard Business Review’s HBR IdeaCast, July 20, 2017 Erik Brynjolfsson, MIT Sloan School professor, explains how rapid advances in machine learning are presenting new opportunities for businesses. He breaks down how the...

Forgot Where You Parked? Good

Ulrich Boser, The New York Times, June 30, 2017 Forgetting is supposed to be the antithesis of learning, and whether we’re a kid or an adult, most of us are plainly embarrassed if we can’t recall a name or fact. But it turns out that forgetting...