Why Some Teams Are Smarter Than Others

Olimpia Zagnoli, The New York Times, January 16, 2015 Psychologists have known for a century that individuals vary in their cognitive ability. But are some groups, like some people, reliably smarter than others? According to a study conducted by this...

How corporate America is tackling unconscious bias

Elizabeth G. Olson, Fortune, January 15, 2015 Equality is a worthy goal—but it’s tough to achieve when unconscious bias so pervades the American workplace. Certainly women have made inroads in corporate America, but a Pew Research Center survey...

The Fundamental Ambiguity of Being Human

Pema Chödrön, Tricycle, Fall 2012 As human beings we share a tendency to scramble for certainty whenever we realize that everything around us is in flux. In difficult times the stress of trying to find solid ground—something predictable to stand on—seems to...