by | | Crisis Articles, Forbes “Reputation Matters” Columns, Reputation Articles
Leadership, “Reputation Matters,” Forbes, March 4, 2020As we enter the first full week of the global pandemic and crashing financial markets, we are all looking for who to listen to, and who to believe.We’re looking for a trusted voice in the storm...
by | | Crisis Management, In the News, Leadership & Strategy
Michele Wucker, Strategy + Business, March 11, 2020Your company’s board of directors is charged with reviewing all kinds of risks to the corporation. But how well prepared are its members to do so? How ready are directors to evaluate, communicate,...
by | | Crisis Management, In the News, Leadership & Strategy
Hannah Levitt, Bloomberg, March 9, 2020 »Wells Fargo & Co. Chair Betsy Duke resigned from the company’s board ahead of a dramatic congressional hearing set for this week, succumbing to the same political pressures that have claimed multiple...
by | | Crisis Articles, Forbes “Reputation Matters” Columns, Reputation Articles
Leadership, “Reputation Matters,” Forbes, March 4, 2020So, it’s here. We now have a public healthcare crisis in front of us that is already disrupting global markets, businesses, and lives, and has the potential to do much more damage. Or...
by | | Crisis Management, In the News, Reputation Management
Hannah Levitt, Bloomberg, January 27, 2020Wells Fargo & Co.’s finance chief was promising analysts they would be kept abreast of the bank’s efforts to resolve scandals when his new boss chimed in. “I just want to be clear,...