by | | In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Reputation Management, Technology & Science, The Media
Maggie Livingstone, The Chautauquan Daily, July 29, 2013 Keeping up with the growing number of social media websites can be daunting. It’s now more important than ever to perfect and groom one’s Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Pinterest accounts, among...
by | | Crisis Management, In the News, Reputation Management, Technology & Science
Duane Marsteller, The Tennessean, October 28, 2012 Corporate reputation experts assess the damage to Saint Thomas Hospital’s public image after the fungal meningitis outbreak in this article by The Tennessean. Davia Temin notes that it is how the hospital...
by | | Corporate Governance, Crisis Management, Executive Presence, In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Perception & Psychology, Reputation Management, Technology & Science, The Media, Women & Girls Leadership
Heather Landy, American Banker, October 1, 2012 In American Banker’s “Most Powerful Women In Banking” issue, this article on the future of leadership discusses new talents needed, including technology and social media, and quotes Davia on...
by | | Corporate Governance, Executive Presence, In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Reputation Management, Technology & Science, The Media, Women & Girls Leadership
Diane Brady, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, June 26, 2012Coach to more than 20 women and men CEOs, Davia offers her perspective on Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s recent appointment to the social media company’s Board of Trustees. […read more]
by | | Corporate Governance, Crisis Management, Executive Presence, In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Reputation Management, Technology & Science, The Media
Shannon Wilkinson, Reputation Communications, May 15, 2012This article cites Davia’s May 2012 article in Forbes, “Little Lies; Big Lies–Yahoo! CEO Scott Thompson’s Revisionist Story.” […read more]
by | | Corporate Governance, Crisis Management, Executive Presence, In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Reputation Management, Technology & Science, The Media
Kim Davis, Internet Evolution, May 15, 2012This article on former Scott Thompson’s short-lived tenure as Yahoo! CEO quotes Davia’s May 2012 article in Forbes, “Little Lies; Big Lies–Yahoo! CEO Scott Thompson’s Revisionist Story.”...