Thought Leadership

White Papers»

"Reputation Matters" White Papers seek to offer deeper insight on a wide range of topics we help clients address.

Corporate Conscience In The Darkest Of Days: What Can Board Directors Do About Ukraine?
It's Not over Until It's over: The Perils Of Declaring Victory In Crisis Too soon
Chaos Leadership: When Does Global Crisis Turn Into Chaos and How Do we survive It?
Chaos Rules: 8 Ways to Navigate Through the Fog of Crisis
Crisis Leadership in Real Time: 8 Pandemic Best Practices
Great Crisis Management Is Counterintuitive
Communicating in Crisis: How to Build Trust in an Untrustworthy World
Forget the Hype: What Every Business leader Needs to Know About Artificial Intelligence Now more»

Specialists in marketing through ideas, information, and insight, Temin and Company turns clients’ intellectual capital into true thought leadership.

We also seek to practice what we preach.

Temin and Company’s own thought leadership includes white papers, yearly client letters and podcasts, published articles, a column – Reputation Matters, Huffington Post and American Banker articles, and appearances in other news articles and broadcasts.

Further, Davia Temin is a frequent public speaker and moderator – for clients, their own client events, and their “high potential” training programs. She also presents regularly at CEO conferences, and has developed a range of “Crisis Game” role play simulations to prepare CEOs, Boards, and client companies for real-life crisis situations.

What Does it Take to be Resilient?

Suzanne Oaks, Corporate Board Member, May 9, 2013

Resilience and the boardroom: what does it take to think long-term in a world focused on quarterly results? WomenCorporateDirectors Global Institute challenges director thinking on earnings reports, consumer behavior, innovation, crisis management, and a host of global issues facing companies today. […read more]

It Takes a Lot of Coughing to Go Viral — How I Reached My First 1,000 Twitter Followers

Leadership, “Reputation Matters” Forbes, April 15, 2013

Virality is the Holy Grail of Both Corporate and Personal Social Media.

We all want to fashion that one perfect tweet or post that will circumnavigate the globe in minutes or days, and will boost our number of followers and “klout” score to the stratosphere. We want to build our brand and reputation. But the public is fickle, and what captures its imagination, much less goes viral, one day might not the next. […read more]

Calling all Global CEOs — Have You Signed the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles Yet?

Leadership, “Reputation Matters” Forbes, March 11, 2013

The UN is putting its muscle behind changing the game for global women, and is asking companies around the world to follow suit.

There has been so much talk, but so little action – around women’s leadership, gender equality, and curtailing violence against women. This year, however, efforts seem to be more serious, possibly fueled on the humanitarian front by such horrendous examples of violence around the world, and on the business front by Catalyst’s latest report detailing just how badly women’s progress in business has stalled (for at least 7 years, on boards, in top leadership, and in the highest paying corporate jobs.) […read more]

Snowstorm Crisis Lessons: Eight Steps for Maintaining Trust During Natural Disasters

Leadership, “Reputation Matters” Forbes, February 8, 2013

Snowstorms and other natural disasters have been the undoing of mayors and governors for decades.

From Michael Dukakis, governor of Massachusetts in the ’70s and ’80s, to Michael Bloomberg’s absence in a December 2011 snowstorm, when municipal leaders don’t anticipate, lead through, and follow up immediately after storm crises, their reputations can take severe hits.

Responsibility without authority is one of the worst situations a leader can face, they say in the military. And, if you think about it, snowstorms and other acts of God are the epitome of responsibility without authority. The leader has responsibility, but a lot of the authority is in the hands of nature.

How can leaders prove their mettle – or salt – as Blizzard Nemo hits today, and over the weekend? Here are eight suggestions, culled from years of crisis (man-made and God-made) advisory work. […read more]

Reputation Trumps All — Define Your Brand and Live It in the New Year, and Beyond

Reputation Matters, Forbes, January 2, 2013

After a year of such spectacular reputation failures, it’s about time that we all paid some concerted attention to our own reputations, both personal and corporate.

Whether it was Joe Paterno, Apple Maps, or Congress acting irresponsibly in the face of a “fiscal cliff,” when a person or organization acts inconsistently with their established “brand,” what they have promised, or how the world sees them, that tarnish doesn’t wear off quickly. In fact it can redefine them because today as always, reputation trumps all. […read more]

The Aftermath — Business Communication Rules for Recovery from Hurricane Sandy

Reputation Matters, Forbes, October 31, 2012

11 Rules for Communication in the Aftermath of Crisis — Davia’s latest Forbes piece for her column, Reputation Matters.

How you recover, and how you communicate during recovery – yours and others’ – can set the stage for business continuity, future growth, and customer and employee loyalty, or the exact opposite.

If you don’t mention it, you appear heartless; if you give in to it, you appear weak. That is the fine line that each one of us faces in communicating with colleagues, customers, bosses, vendors, friends and family, in the aftermath of historic hurricane Sandy – and after every major national disaster. Here are 11 suggestions that can help. […read more]

Kayla Harrison, Olympic Gold Medalist’s Amazing Triumph After Trauma

Reputation Matters, Forbes, August 3, 2012

Resilience: you tell me who among us — individuals or organizations — does not need it these days. Whether overcoming economic difficulties, job dislocations, physical hardships, relationship challenges, or natural or man-made crises, we all need the ability to fight back, to overcome, and to move forward. Every so often one hero emerges whose story puts it all into perspective; who models just how it is done. Kayla Harrison is one such hero. […read more]

White Papers»

"Reputation Matters" White Papers seek to offer deeper insight on a wide range of topics we help clients address.

Corporate Conscience In The Darkest Of Days: What Can Board Directors Do About Ukraine?
It's Not over Until It's over: The Perils Of Declaring Victory In Crisis Too soon
Chaos Leadership: When Does Global Crisis Turn Into Chaos and How Do we survive It?
Chaos Rules: 8 Ways to Navigate Through the Fog of Crisis
Crisis Leadership in Real Time: 8 Pandemic Best Practices
Great Crisis Management Is Counterintuitive
Communicating in Crisis: How to Build Trust in an Untrustworthy World
Forget the Hype: What Every Business leader Needs to Know About Artificial Intelligence Now more»