In the News–Executive Presence
Ouster points up disparity; Despite gains made by women in business, precious few fill top spots, and Fiorina’s setback ‘disappointing’
Randi F. Marshall and Patricia Kitchen, Newsday, February 10, 2005
This longer version of the article “Recruiters sort out effects of HP firing” by Randi F. Marshall and Patricia Kitchen weighs in on the disappointment surrounding Fiorina’s firing at HP.
If you’d like to see the full article, please contact us.»
Gender, Work, and Wall Street
Ron Scherer, Christian Science Monitor, July 14, 2004
Women battle for equal pay and treatment at the highest levels of Wall Street firms like Morgan Stanley or Goldman Sachs. […read more]
Executive Life; For Media Training, A Focus on Defense
Eilene Zimmerman, The New York Times, October 12, 2003
“Davia Temin, a former head of corporate marketing for GE Capital and now president of Temin & Company, a marketing, public affairs and crisis management firm in New York, regularly helps corporate executives navigate ethical and legal crises in what she said was today’s ‘hypercritical’ climate. ‘The level of savvyness that senior executives have to exhibit in talking to the press at this point in time is unprecedented,’ she said. ‘There are things I would have told a client they could say to the press four years ago that I would not advise them to say now.'” […read more]
Grasso fallout: Is Big Board a small clique
Ron Scherer, Christian Science Monitor, September 19, 2003
Davia Temin, a crisis-management specialist, believes the exchange will have to be more transparent in the future. “The only way will be to have a public dialogue about almost everything until the public tires of it,” she says. “You can’t simply say, ‘I’m honest.’ You have to show it by actions.” […read more]
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