In the News–Executive Presence
How to Stretch Your Resiliency Muscle
Anita Bruzzese, 45 Things, October 28, 2010
Davia is quoted on resiliency, and how in tough times there exists a feeling of ‘a loss of agency’ in this article by Anita Bruzzese, which was retitled and posted on multiple blogs. […read more]
Strengthen your resiliency to deal with adversity
Anita Bruzzese, USA Today, October 27, 2010
Davia is quoted on resiliency, and how in tough times there exists a feeling of a loss of agency in this article by Anita Bruzzese. […read more]
Business Case for Closing Gender Gaps Presented at Harvard Kennedy School Conference
Doug Gavel, Harvard Kennedy School, October 25, 2010
Davia is quoted in this article about the “Closing the Gender Gap” conference she attended as a presenter at Harvard University. […read more]
13 Steps Women Business Leaders Can Use to Mitigate a Crisis
Roxanne Joffe, Roxanne Joffe, September 9, 2010
This article references the 13 crisis management rules from Davia’s August 2010 Forbes article “Crisis Management 1001: Reputation Rehab.” […read more]
Yet Another BP Mess
Phyllis Furman, NY Daily News, June 12, 2010
Davia is quoted on BP’s effort to repair its tarnished image, which according to experts needs a ‘cleanup’ of its own.
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What BP needs to do to salvage its oil-drenched image
Ron Scherer, The Christian Science Monitor, June 8, 2010
Davia gives damage control tips to the embattled oil giant, BP. […read more]
Should BP CEO Tony Hayward Resign?
Karin Kamp, The Takeaway, June 7, 2010
Davia weighs in on the BP crisis and whether CEO Tony Hayward should step down from his position in this article and audio clip. […read more]
Don’t forget succession planning amid recession
Anne Fisher, Crain’s NY Business, September 7, 2009
The majority of entrepreneurs have no plans for who takes over their business if they become disabled or die. Such companies often flounder in the wake of tragedy and commonly end up being sold for far less than they’re worth.
If you’d like to see the full article, please contact us.»
Circling the Square
Brian Pittman, Bulldog Reporter’s Daily Dog, June 26, 2008
Davia is Brian Pittman’s spotlight in his feature called “Circling the Square: Crisis Counselor Temin Dishes Top PR Trends, Career Tips and Traps for Women in Communications.” […read more]
The evolving saga of America’s CEOs
Ron Scherer, Christian Science Monitor, February 11, 2005
“At first blush, the Carly Fiorina story seems like that of a highly visible female CEO perceived to have failed. But her firing as head of Hewlett-Packard sheds some light on how business is changing, no matter what the gender of the person in the corner suite…” […read more]
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