In the News–Executive Presence
Goldman’s Latest PR Struggle
Mary Thompson, CNBC, January 4, 2013
A voice of reason in a hot CNBC debate on whether Goldman Sachs should have accelerated bonuses last year, avoiding 2013 tax hikes — Davia Temin interviewed on CNBC’s Closing Bell. […read more]
Thought Leaders: Davia Temin, CEO, Temin & Co.
Melissa J. Anderson, The Glass Hammer, January 2, 2013
The Glass Hammer’s Melissa Anderson speaks with Davia Temin on crafting reputations on and off of social media. […read more]
PRognosis: Q4 2012 – The Interview
Valentina Ciampi, BlueChip Communication, December 2012
Reputation knows no bounds. Davia Temin is interviewed by Australia’s BlueChip Communications on the biggest reputation fails, do’s and don’ts for the coming year. […read more]
WCBS Women and Business Report – Friday, November 30, 2012
Pat Carroll, WCBS, November 30, 2012
Davia Temin was featured on WCBS Radio speaking on 10 tips to manage crisis.
To listen to the interview click here.
WCBS Women and Business Report – Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Pat Carroll, WCBS, September 4, 2012
Davia Temin was featured in an interview on WCBS Radio on how CEOs and boards should handle crisis. To listen to the interview, click below.
Top 10 ways leaders can protect their reputations
Nashville Business Journal, October 23, 2012
Temin and Company’s “Top 10 Ways Leaders Can Protect Their Reputations” turned into a slideshow:
Lesson No. 1: There is no such thing as privacy
Lesson No. 2: If you do err, apologize.
Lesson No. 3: Do not let a lie stand.
Boards Need to Be Engineers of Corporate Reputation
Roy Maurer, Society for Human Resource Management, October 3, 2012
Temin and Company’s 20-point guide for corporate boards to use regarding reputation and reputational risk is featured in this article by the Society for Human Resource Management. Davia is also extensively quoted throughout. […read more]
The Future of Leadership
Heather Landy, American Banker, October 1, 2012
In American Banker’s “Most Powerful Women In Banking” issue, this article on the future of leadership discusses new talents needed, including technology and social media, and quotes Davia on leadership and social media. […read more]
Webinar: What Directors Need to Know About Reputational Risk
Directors & Boards, August 27, 2012
Directors & Boards invites board directors to the upcoming webinar Davia will be delivering on September 12, 2012 on what corporate boards need to know about reputational risk. […read more]
Preparation Keeps Professionals Steps Ahead of Crises
Sonja Carberry, Investor’s Business Daily, August 17, 2012
Crisis preparedness and management are the topics of this article geared toward the financial services industry, but applicable to most professionals. Temin and Company is broadly quoted throughout. […read more]
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