In the News–Crisis Management
What Makes Up a Reputation – and What Must Board Directors Know about Reputational Risk
Directors & Boards, September 4, 2012
Reputation is a hard concept to circle, but board directors know that it has become one of the biggest assets, or liabilities, a company has. Here, Davia Temin answers discusses how corporate boards must address risk in order to crisis-proof their boards. […read more]
Preparation Keeps Professionals Steps Ahead of Crises
Sonja Carberry, Investor’s Business Daily, August 17, 2012
Crisis preparedness and management are the topics of this article geared toward the financial services industry, but applicable to most professionals. Temin and Company is broadly quoted throughout. […read more]
Surviving a Year of Scandal: A Reputation Expert Weighs In
Jeremy Morris, US Daily Review, July 29, 2012
A review of Davia’s July speaking engagements on crisis management and preparedness at the Chautauqua Institution and the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers. […read more]
Crisis Management 1001–Who Survived, Who Thrived, and Who Self-Destructed Over the Past Year
T&C Press Release, PR Newsire, July 23, 2012
A press release on Davia’s July 2012 speaking engagements at the Chautauqua Institution and the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, where she spoke on crisis management and prominent crises of the past year. […read more]
Show Aspiration, Not Arrogance, to Rebuild Bank Reputations
Davia Temin, American Banker, May 24, 2012
Most of us in the banking community are seeking – after the crash – to do the right thing: to rebuild trust, rebuild shareholder value, rebuild client loyalty, rebuild businesses, and rebuild lives. But as time goes on, and memories fade, perhaps we should keep on remembering that the job has not been finished, even as we are seduced by some renewed successes. “Never say what you are going to do, say what you are seeking to do.” […read more]
A Pattern of Deception Brought Thompson Down
Kim Davis, Internet Evolution, May 15, 2012
This article on former Scott Thompson’s short-lived tenure as Yahoo! CEO quotes Davia’s May 2012 article in Forbes, “Little Lies; Big Lies–Yahoo! CEO Scott Thompson’s Revisionist Story.” […read more]
No White Lies: Yahoo and the Importance of Accuracy
Shannon Wilkinson, Reputation Communications, May 15, 2012
This article cites Davia’s May 2012 article in Forbes, “Little Lies; Big Lies–Yahoo! CEO Scott Thompson’s Revisionist Story.” […read more]
What Does Your Degree Mean?
Nancy Colasurdo, Fox Business, May 9, 2012
In this article on the meaning of the college degree, Nancy Colasurdo quotes Davia’s May 2012 article in Forbes, “Little Lies; Big Lies–Yahoo! CEO Scott Thompson’s Revisionist Story,” which comments on Thompson’s “misstated” college major. […read more]
Are Wal-mart Shares a Safe Investment?
Nightly Business Report, April 23, 2012
Davia appears on the show ‘Nightly Business Report’ and speaks on whether Wal-Mart shares are a safe investment in light of the new allegations of bribery against the company’s operations in Mexico. […read more]
The 180 Degrees Between Warren Buffett And Steve Jobs On Cancer Disclosure
Kerry Dolan, Forbes, April 18, 2012
One of Davia’s columns is cited in this article about the best and worst practices evident in the handling of the two CEOs’ cancer announcements. […read more]
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