The X Factor When Hiring? Call It ‘Presence’

Adam Bryant, The New York Times, June 26, 2010″This interview with Robert W. Selander, chief executive of MasterCard, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant. Mr. Selander will retire from the C.E.O. position on July 1, after 14 years in the job.”...

Reputation Rehab

Davia Temin,, April 19, 2010Davia’s article on reputation rehab and brand repair. […read more]

Laughing Your Way to the Bank

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business Review, April 12, 2010This article tells us to unlock support by lightening up. Simply lightening up can help unlock ingenuity and build support for change. It shakes things up in companies where traditions can threaten to...

Ten rules for writing fiction

Elmore Leonard, Diana Athill, et al, The Guardian, February 20, 2010In this two-part series, 14 prominent authors share their tips for fiction writing. […read more]