U.S. Goldman Disclosure a Rare Break in Secrecy

Peter Lattman, The New York Times (Deal Book), August 10, 2012The U.S. Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute Goldman Sachs on its infamous mortgage practices came as a surprise, as did its unorthodox public disclosure that the overall investigation into...

The Very Real Perils of Rich Kids on Social Networks

Ashlee Vance, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, August 10, 2012Unwise use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr has recently landed “rich kids” such as Zachary Dell–son of PC billionaire Michael Dell–in hot water for revealing...

SEO Isn’t What You Think It Is

Veronica Fielding, Fast Company, August 10, 2012Recent evidence from Google suggests that social media engagement supersedes search engine optimization (SEO) in online marketing. […read more]

Marketing is Dead

Bill Lee, Harvard Business Review, August 9, 2012In light of the “death” of traditional marketing, Bill Lee calls for an increased emphasis on community marketing and social media engagement to appeal to consumers. […read more]