Reporter awarded nearly $500K in FOIA case

Andrew Beaujon, Poynter, October 23, 2012 Don’t mess with FOIA: the Federal Bureau of Investigation was recently ordered to pay journalist Seth Rosenfeld’s attorney nearly half a million dollars for two court cases over FOIA requests the agency...

Cuddle Your Kid!

Nicholas D. Kristof, The New York Times, October 20, 2012 The power of love: New York Times columnist Nick Kristof on the importance of hugging and kissing children for their well-being. […read more]

How to Make a Meme (Hint: Read Darwin)

Orion Jones, Big Think, October 19, 2012 What is a meme, and what does it mean? Darwin’s evolutionary ideas may help explain the rise of such marketing messages and catchphrases. […read more]