Thought LeadershipForbes “Reputation Matters”

White Papers»

"Reputation Matters" White Papers seek to offer deeper insight on a wide range of topics we help clients address.

Corporate Conscience In The Darkest Of Days: What Can Board Directors Do About Ukraine?
It's Not over Until It's over: The Perils Of Declaring Victory In Crisis Too soon
Chaos Leadership: When Does Global Crisis Turn Into Chaos and How Do we survive It?
Chaos Rules: 8 Ways to Navigate Through the Fog of Crisis
Crisis Leadership in Real Time: 8 Pandemic Best Practices
Great Crisis Management Is Counterintuitive
Communicating in Crisis: How to Build Trust in an Untrustworthy World
Forget the Hype: What Every Business leader Needs to Know About Artificial Intelligence Now more»

School Shooting In Chardon, Ohio: ‘A Quaint, Lonely Town’

Reputation Matters, Forbes, February 28, 2012

I grew up only miles from Chardon, Ohio. In those days, the only thing the town was known for was maple syrup. Early every spring, just about this time of the year, my parents and I would go down to Chardon’s Maple Syrup Festival, where you could eat all the pancakes you wanted, blanketed with freshly tapped maple syrup. In between rounds you would eat pickles to clear your palate (pickles? Yes, sounds bad, but they were oddly effective.)

Today, Chardon is known for death. Needless death. And just as the maple syrup used to run freely, so now do our tears for such a monumental waste. […read more]

Christmas in our Souls

Reputation Matters, Forbes, December 25, 2011

Christmas is for everyone.  Taken in their most universal sense, the gifts of grace, salvation through sacrifice, God’s love in the world, redemption, service, goodness, moral center, hope and joy are transcendent.

And I am thankful that, perhaps, we are approaching a time when religion is no longer used to divide us, or make one of us superior to another…rather it can be shared across cultures, belief systems, and experience to lift us all. […read more]

$1 Billion Dollars for Girls

Reputation Matters, Forbes, November 15, 2011

How much is a girl worth? Soon we will be able to say, ‘it starts at a billion dollars, and goes up from there.’ Girls Scouts of the USA launched our $1 billion 100th anniversary campaign for girls, designed to help every girl in America who wants to be a Girl Scout afford to do so. […read more]

Force of Nature Leadership: Steve Jobs and the “X Factor”

Reputation Matters, Forbes, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs has so profoundly affected both our day-to-day lives and the trajectory of our technological progress that he can be categorized as a ‘force of nature’ leader: an unstoppable, indefatigable, and transcendent leader who inspires generations by catalyzing new ideas or bringing older ones to life in revolutionary ways. […read more]

Steve Jobs’ Ultimate Lesson for Entrepreneurs

Reputation Matters, Forbes, September 1, 2011

Steve Jobs, the genius full of contradictions: artist and engineer; Buddhist and hard-nosed businessman; visionary entrepreneur who has built large and resilient companies; optimist and pessimist; the ultimate opaque manager who has guarded his privacy and secrecy, even while providing the world with the tools of transparency. Steve Jobs had the remarkable ability to hold completely disparate ideas and values in his mind at the same time, synthesize and then act upon them. […read more]

Strategy, The One “Do” Amidst the Don’ts — Wrapping Up “The 10 Don’ts of Corporate Social Media” Series

Reputation Matters, Forbes, August 17, 2011

#11: “Strategy, The One ‘Do’ Amidst the Don’ts — Wrapping Up ‘The 10 Don’ts of Corporate Social Media’ Series”

Strategy, Strategy, Strategy – that is our prescription for corporations looking to enter or exist in the world of social media.

It is so very easy to enmesh your brand in the frantic social media activity of the moment; and it is so very easy to get off track, off-message, and, well, just plain off.

Whereas Boards, CEOs, CMOs and corporate marketers are fairly adept at judging and managing the value, efficacy and quality of conventional marketing and media strategies, because they are essentially uncertain about what is going on in social media they can be easily led astray.  When you don’t know where you need to go, all roads will take you there.

When all bets are off, you do not know where to lay your money down.

And this is where strategy must come into play. […read more]

White Papers»

"Reputation Matters" White Papers seek to offer deeper insight on a wide range of topics we help clients address.

Corporate Conscience In The Darkest Of Days: What Can Board Directors Do About Ukraine?
It's Not over Until It's over: The Perils Of Declaring Victory In Crisis Too soon
Chaos Leadership: When Does Global Crisis Turn Into Chaos and How Do we survive It?
Chaos Rules: 8 Ways to Navigate Through the Fog of Crisis
Crisis Leadership in Real Time: 8 Pandemic Best Practices
Great Crisis Management Is Counterintuitive
Communicating in Crisis: How to Build Trust in an Untrustworthy World
Forget the Hype: What Every Business leader Needs to Know About Artificial Intelligence Now more»