Leadership, “Reputation Matters,” Forbes, August 27, 2017

For a supposedly slow month, August has seen quite a lot of action in the C-Suites and Boardrooms of America. As CEOs bailed out of the White House Industry Councils, protesting President Trump’s insufficient condemnation of events in Charlottesville, they filled a void — taking on a national leadership role whether they wished to or not. No one from the Cabinet or Congress was rising to the occasion, so in the midst of national crisis, business leaders proved themselves to be the only adults in the room.

Ever concerned about achieving favorable tax legislation, maintaining a stable economy, and paving the way for global expansion, corporate America has always had a major stake in how Washington operates. In some administrations relations have been more strained, and in others more collegial. But rarely have corporate leaders felt the need to exit en masse from White House-sponsored advisory councils, such as happened this month. […read more]