Rin Mitchell, Big Think, June 23, 2012 Living alone is often seen as a “marker of strength,” particularly for those of older age. Yet recent studies show that loneliness can be a major detriment to one’s physical health, sometimes resulting...
Harvey Mackay, Inc.com, April 3, 2012Harvey Mackay writes that: “persistence and determination are what keep us hammering away. I’ve known entrepreneurs who were not great salespeople, or didn’t know how to code, or were not particularly...
Jared T. Miller, TIME, March 25, 2012The ad, which reads, “Unlike some people, Belvedere goes down smoothly,” and features a photo of a man grabbing a scared-looking woman from behind was posted on Twitter and got a strong, outraged response from the...
Thor Olavsrud, CIO, March 20, 2012Big Data is coming. For many businesses, it is years away, but planning now and gaining strategic advantages over competitors would be wise. The companies with the best positions like Google and Facebook are already capitalizing...