T&C Press Release, Bloomberg Businessweek, April 22, 2014
“Reputation management for brands and executives takes on new meaning in a global, connected, 25/8 environment,” says Davia Temin, CEO of marketing, media, reputation and crisis leadership firm Temin and Company. “Whereas one misstep by a brand half a world away used to be containable, today reputational damage is instant, hard to control, and globally open to comment and rebuke. We all have stories of cultural brand missteps, but today the stakes are far higher when brands appear culturally insensitive or worse.”
Ms. Temin will speak at the Dow Jones Global Compliance Symposium today, April 22, on a panel titled “How to Protect Corporate Brands Around the World.” Moderating the panel will be Nick Elliott, editor of The Wall Street Journal’s Risk & Compliance Journal. The panelists will discuss why “multinationals should be concerned about their reputations in emerging economies as those nations become sources of demand as well as supply. What are the pitfalls and how should companies approach local-country reputational management?” […read more]