What Clients Are Saying Blog
Davia is a magician
Davia is a magician! She gets a problem to address on Wednesday night, and it’s solved on Friday morning!!”
—Publisher, Global Media Firm
I am very impressed by your ability to add value
I am very impressed by your ability to add value in a very short period of time.”
—CEO, Technology Company
I’ve gotten great feedback from both our clients and from our folks
I’ve gotten great feedback from both our clients and from our folks that your moderation and presentation on restoring confidence were fantastic additions to the agenda.”
—Marketing Head, Fortune 50 Company
You are such a great coach
You are such a great coach in this crazy uncertain area I find myself in…. I feel good knowing we’re on the same team.”
—Corporate CEO
Thank you for your help during our Leadership Conference
Thank you for your help during our Leadership Conference. I am very pleased with the outcome and with our CEO’s continued growth. Your expertise and coaching were invaluable.”
—Board Chair, Major Nonprofit
Brilliant, just brilliant.
Brilliant, just brilliant. You have completely captured the situation, and no one has come up with solutions like these. Your ideas are brilliant.”
—High-profile Participant, in very public media crisis
We are thrilled with the coverage and response
We are thrilled with the coverage and response. We have increased the exposure of our company tenfold in 1.5 days! Everyone here is thankful for all of the work that you and your team have put into this effort. I look forward to building on the momentum we have created.”
—CFO, Biotech Firm
You did a stupendous job assembling and moderating a terrific panel of experts! The oral and written feedback we’ve received has been overwhelmingly positive
You did a stupendous job assembling and moderating a terrific panel of experts! We were all very motivated and intrigued by the advice we received, and entered the workplace on Thursday more focused, with a positive attitude that may well influence others.”
—Financial Services Managing Director
Your fast response and wisdom are simply tops
Your fast response and wisdom are simply tops, and go way beyond what we often refer to as ‘professional.’ With you it is something more, much more.”
—CEO, Corporate Crisis Client
Temin has the uncanny ability to translate complex scientific concepts
Temin has the uncanny ability to translate complex scientific concepts and language into easily understandable prose. Thanks for your great work: the release looks very good indeed, and somewhat surprisingly, all the investors agreed.”
—President, Biotech Firm