What Clients Are Saying Blog

I’ve never seen him so good

I’ve never seen him so good.”

—Board Member, on corporate CEO candidate’s performance, as coached by Temin

In the 10 years I have worked at the firm

In the 10 years I have worked at the firm we haven’t had as well developed/coordinated a response to press inquiries. I think your guidance today on our response was perfect. We took the high road and yet were cooperative with an important business publication.”

   —Head of North America, Global Professional Services Firm

You helped me raise my confidence level (2)

You helped me raise my confidence level and deliver my message in a more professional/skilled manner. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me.”

—EVP, Global Bank

Davia Temin’s instincts are remarkably acute

Davia Temin’s instincts are remarkably acute. She has helped me at each stage of my company’s progress, and each time she has lifted us a bit higher.”

—Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Investment Management Firm

Thanks so much for all of your help

Thanks so much for all of your help. The best part of it: I got a standing ovation before *and* after the acceptance speech, and no one said a word during the speech! What I learned will have a huge impact not just on that speech, but as I go forward!!!”

   —Senior Partner, Leading International Hedge Fund

The year brought many unexpected gifts

The year brought many unexpected gifts – and having the opportunity to work with you was a very special one. Thanks for ably stewarding me through my first Board Meeting! It has been a pleasure and privilege, and I look forward to more.”

   —Senior Foundation Executive