What Clients Are Saying
You have been a huge help and I appreciate your suggestions, insights and wisdom
You have been a huge help and I appreciate your suggestions, insights and wisdom.””
—CEO, Major Nonprofit
I just wish I could have you with me all the time
I just wish I could have you with me all the time. I felt so protected and calm. And the press conference turned out beautifully.”
—Crisis Client
Your help was invaluable – your guidance in terms of what I should be working on helped me
Your help was invaluable – your guidance in terms of what I should be working on helped me show leadership at a time when everyone was panicked. I greatly appreciate your guidance and hard work on this. It was brilliant what you did for me.”
—Senior Financial Services Executive
If you have an opportunity to be in a seminar given by Davia Temin
If you have an opportunity to be in a seminar given by Davia Temin, take it. Immediately. Hers were the best sessions we had all year long.”
—High Potential Bank Training Program Graduate
I love your brain
I love your brain.”
—Managing Director, Biotechnology Company
I’ve never seen him so good
I’ve never seen him so good.”
—Board Member, on corporate CEO candidate’s performance, as coached by Temin
You helped me raise my confidence level (2)
You helped me raise my confidence level and deliver my message in a more professional/skilled manner. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me.”
—EVP, Global Bank
I have received wonderful feedback on last night’s speech
I have received wonderful feedback on last night’s speech. Thank you!”
—Corporate CEO and Board Chair
Thanks so much for all of your help
Thanks so much for all of your help. The best part of it: I got a standing ovation before *and* after the acceptance speech, and no one said a word during the speech! What I learned will have a huge impact not just on that speech, but as I go forward!!!”
—Senior Partner, Leading International Hedge Fund
The year brought many unexpected gifts
The year brought many unexpected gifts – and having the opportunity to work with you was a very special one. Thanks for ably stewarding me through my first Board Meeting! It has been a pleasure and privilege, and I look forward to more.”
—Senior Foundation Executive