I am very impressed by your ability to add value in a very short period of time.”
—CEO, Technology Company
I have never spent such a relatively short period of time more profitably in a discussion of our marketing, positioning and needed strategy.”
—President, Large, Global NGO
Great remarks! You substantially exceeded expectations – we lost almost no one during the session. Unprecedented for this audience.”
—High-level Government Official, running Biotech Conference
Overall, definitely a success. Thank you so very much for your extraordinary support on every aspect of the event.”
—Global Banking CMO
You are such an asset.”
—Professional Services Client
Davia Temin’s instincts are remarkably acute. She has helped me at each stage of my company’s progress, and each time she has lifted us a bit higher.”
—Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Investment Management Firm
Temin has the uncanny ability to translate complex scientific concepts and language into easily understandable prose. Thanks for your great work: the release looks very good indeed, and somewhat surprisingly, all the investors agreed.”
—President, Biotech Firm
When you know you have a good story to tell, but haven’t been able to get media attention, that’s when you call Temin and Company. Somehow through the magic of contacts, focus and creativity, the next thing you know you’re in The New York Times.”
—CEO, NGO Client
This report is outstanding. You did an amazing job of synthesizing all of the input and creating a crystal-clear overview of the situation. It’s strong, but very fair and objective. I also think your recommendations make sense.... Well done, as usual.”
—CEO, Technology Company
—President, Large, Global NGO
—High-level Government Official, running Biotech Conference
—Global Banking CMO
—Professional Services Client
—Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Investment Management Firm
—President, Biotech Firm
—CEO, NGO Client
—Senior Financial Services Executive