Philosopher kings

The Economist, October 4, 2014 Business leaders would benefit from studying great writers. It is time to replace the outward-bound rite of managerial passage with something much more powerful: inward-bound courses. Rather than grappling with nature, business leaders...

We Want Privacy, but Can’t Stop Sharing

Kate Murphy, The New York Times, October 4, 2014 Imagine a world suddenly devoid of doors. None in your home, on dressing rooms, on the entrance to the local pub or even on restroom stalls at concert halls. Well, that’s essentially the state of affairs...

Roderick Kramer: How Do Trustworthy Leaders Behave?

Loren Mooney, Insights, September 19, 2014 It can be easy to trust too quickly, especially when a leader is affable, has an impressive résumé, and tells you what you want to hear. In 30 years of surveying senior executives, social psychologist Roderick Kramer has...

So Derek Jeter’s Starting a Blog

Kavitha A. Davidson, BloombergView, October 1, 2014 Fresh off his final game, the retired Yankees captain, known for his guarded public persona, has launched a website to directly connect athletes to their fans. In his inaugural post on the Players’...