What Clients Are Saying Blogs
In our information-driven social media age, we know that truth — as well as lies — can circle the globe at the speed of light. Reputations can be honestly built through years of ethical behavior, insight and inspired leadership — but they can also be toppled unscrupulously in an instant, weaponized by bad actors seeking to inflict real harm on others.
Temin and Company is an ethically based, socially responsible management consulting firm dedicated to helping clients create, enhance and save their reputations while fighting the misinformation that is clogging our airwaves, and harming our society.
Dedicated to integrity, respect, diversity and excellence, we seek to add immense value to every engagement and every client. Here is what our clients are saying:
As always, I found your advice to show deep thought
As always, I found your advice to show deep thought and incredible expertise.”
—Corporate Board Member
I simply could not have done this without you
I simply could not have done this without you.”
—C-Suite Executive negotiating major promotion
Your advice is that powerful and helpful
I wish you could sit on my shoulder and talk into my ear all day long. Your advice is that powerful and helpful.”
—CEO Coaching Client
Temin and Company is especially valuable for those companies whose business is intangibles
Temin and Company is especially valuable for those companies whose business is intangibles, or who deal with ideas. They are just about the only firm who really understands how to market intellectual capital to increase interest, influence and recognition.”
—CEO, Branding Firm
You guys are the best – small, but so capable it’s amazing
You guys are the best – small, but so capable it’s amazing.”
—CMO, Global Bank
You’re such a great thought partner
You’re such a great thought partner.”
—Legal Counsel in deciding course of action in a legal crisis
I hesitate to think what would have happened
I hesitate to think what would have happened without you. It is a textbook case that should be taught in every grad school.”
—Board Member, at the positive conclusion of a 2-year public battle
Your advice was bang on
Your advice was bang on – it worked brilliantly.”
—CEO Coaching Client
Phenomenal job. You do everything right
Phenomenal job. You do everything right. Temin deserves huge credit for managing this to a benign outcome…kudos!”
—Crisis Management Client
It gives me great comfort to know you are my secret weapon in the wings
It gives me great comfort to know you are my secret weapon in the wings.”
—Corporate CEO