What Clients Are Saying
Despite many years of practice
Despite many years of practice, the representation of some very public figures and the professional perception of the importance of words, I did not appreciate the subtleties of how to structure a client’s statement to the media. Fortunately, you and your staff did.”
—Litigation Partner, on successful settlement of lawsuit
I keep thinking of ways we could create a crisis
I keep thinking of ways we could create a crisis, so that we could work with you again.”
—President, Crisis Client Company
I cannot thank you enough for doing such a fantastic job on the speech
I cannot thank you enough for doing such a fantastic job on the speech. This really is wonderful work, and even though I know you all worked all weekend, it has simply saved the day.”
—Chief Medical Officer, Pharmaceutical Company
I wanted to express my thanks for the expertise
I wanted to express my thanks for the expertise, assistance and sensitive concern you gave… in respect of the public disclosure of the settlement. You knew from the outset and I learned during the process, that it would prove to be the most difficult and contentious part of the wind-up of a complicated and highly charged lawsuit.”
—Litigation Partner, on successful settlement of lawsuit
I am very glad you were on our side
I am very glad you were on our side, and I thank you for your responsiveness, good judgment and perseverance. I hope we have many opportunities to work together in the future.”
—Litigation Partner, on successful settlement of lawsuit
Every time I am with you, I get so energized and focused
Every time I am with you, I get so energized and focused. I can see why you are such a wonderful coach.”
—University President
Again, thank you so, so much for all you have done
Again, thank you so, so much for all you have done not only to help us prepare for the possible forthcoming media storm, but for reaching into your amazing network to provide us with access. Not only is the business made better through your services, I picked up a year’s worth of unrivaled professional experience in the relatively short time we spend working on these matters – I learned that much from you in a matter of weeks. As I said last time, I would rather not be dealing with this crisis, but am happy to have the time working with you.”
—Crisis Client
You are at the top of the game
You are at the top of the game.”
—President, Corporate Crisis Client, at the resolution of the crisis