by | | In the News, Leadership & Strategy
Carol Hymowitz, BloombergBusiness, May 7, 2015 When Frontier Communications then-Chief Executive Officer Maggie Wilderotter sought to make a big acquisition last year, she reached out to some of the best dealmakers she knew. That was to be expected—her intended...
by | | Executive Presence, In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Reputation Management
Carol Hymowitz and Lauren Coleman-Lochner, Bloomberg Business, April 14, 2015 A.G. Lafley helped turn Procter & Gamble Co. into the world’s largest consumer-products company. Now the builder has turned demolition man, shedding billions in assets because...
by | | Crisis Articles, Crisis Management, In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Miscellaneous Articles, Other Articles, Reputation Management
PR Newswire, March 12, 2015 Don’t wait for a crisis to hit before considering your communications strategy. Getting caught off guard can mean the difference between success and failure, especially if your competitors are quick to respond. Take action today to...
by | | Crisis Management, In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Reputation Management
Caroline Fairchild, LinkedIn, March 18, 2015 Uber is no stranger to PR disasters. Whether it’s surge pricing during a hostage crisis in Sydney, accusations of rape by drivers in India or questions over the security of users’ data, the start-up has...
by | | In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Reputation Management, Women & Girls Leadership
Matt Townsend, Bloomberg, December 17, 2014 Paula Schneider, American Apparel Inc. incoming chief executive officer, hasn’t even started work yet and she’s already facing a group of disgruntled managers. More than 30 executives asked the board to...
by | | Crisis Management, In the News, Leadership & Strategy, Reputation Management, The Media
Ben DiPietro, The Wall Street Journal’s Risk & Compliance Journal, December 15, 2014 This week’s crisis assignment is nuts—literally. We asked our experts to look into how Korean Air Lines Co. handled the incident in which Cho Hyun-ah, a company...